Patient Reporting

UC Health Radiology

During the consecutive studios of Summer 2018 - Spring 2020, the Live Well team identified the challenge of patients and families not fully understanding the processes and workflow of UC Radiology. Humanizing Radiology was identified as a top priority. Patients stated that they are not fully aware of what to bring to their appointments, how long wait times are at the hospital, what to expect during the imaging process, and what happens with their images between getting it taken and their results being read.


Surveying Stakeholders

The Live Well first worked with the UC Health Patient Experience team to deliver a survey to radiology patients and care team members. The research phase was split into three parts: First was an initial test phase designed to analyze performance before rolling the survey out to a larger population. Second was the phase one formal survey, and last was the phase two formal survey. Phase two was added to increase survey result numbers.

After completing the surveys, the feedback data was analyzed to help identify both successes and changes that need to be made. Overall, the results were very positive, which justified the need for these educational materials.  


Video and Pamphlet Creation

The Live Well team tested the videos and journey guide pamphlet with patient and clinical stakeholders. They then finalized the strategy for implementation and scalability of these two materials. After this, they translated stakeholder feedback into future improvement areas.



Testing Effectiveness and Future Planning

The Live Well team tested the videos and journey guide pamphlet with patient and clinical stakeholders. The objectives of these tests were to:

1. Capture patients' opinions regarding the videos and journey guide pamphlet.
2. Verify videos and journey guide pamphlet deployment channel and pipeline.

Testing followed a straightforward matrix. The four areas of criteria were: Education (do you understand what's going to happen?), Communication (do you understand the roles of everyone in the care team?), Emotional Support (are your fears and anxiety alleviated?), and Social Influence (would you be likely to recommend UC Health to others?).

Feedback from stakeholders was then translated into future improvement areas. Below are the discovered areas; the areas of highest priority are highlighted.


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